What Men Want from Women

It's no secret, men want sex and companionship. And, when a man is in a relationship he wants his partner to be both his sexmate and soulmate. In order to understand what a guy thinks a sexmate and a soulmate are, you have to stop thinking like a woman.

Remember, he's looking for companionship not competition. He wants someone he can have fun with. A woman who will, like his dog, accept him unconditionally.

  • Women have lots of best friends. Most men don't. A man wants his partner to be his best friend. Like all best friends, you listen to his stories, laugh at his jokes, and compliment his good qualities instead of criticizing his faults.

  • Let him know he can depend on you, that you're there when he needs you.

  • Men love to talk about themselves. So ask questions that will give him the opportunity to talk about his favorite subject-him.

  • Want to connect with a man? Don't try to impress him. Let him impress you. Ask him questions that will give him the opportunity to impress you. Shut up and listen! You'll be amazed at how much being a good listener works.

Sex first takes place in a guy's mind. So capture his mind and his imagination.

  • Men have vivid imaginations. And since most men are visual, you want to capture that imagination visually. There is nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who is self-assured, but vulnerable and feminine. Men are more attracted to a woman's attitude than her looks. Of course, who are we kidding, being gorgeous never hurt.

  • The reason men love confident women is because they bring out their hunter instinct. Men love to chase, confident women love to be pursued. So let yourself be pursued and captured. Just remember to let yourself be caught S-L-O-W-L-Y.

  • Men love a challenge so be challenging in the following wonderful womanly ways: Girl, be the goddess that you are. And here's how:

    • Be playful
    • Be seductive
    • Be sexy
    • Be foxy
    • Be captivating
    • Be delightful
    • Always be feminine